Increases the number of tree species listed on CITES
More than 150 tree species have been included in Appendix II, with more than 80% of these species being endemic to the Americas. “As you know, the effective implementation of CITES contributes to the long-term conservation and sustainable use of the world's forests...
ACTO will implement the Amazon Node in GBIF
The coordinator of the Amazon Regional Observatory, Mauro Ruffino, presented the ARO functionalities at the LifeWatch ERIC and GBIF event, which took place from November 14th to 18th in Seville, Spain. The main objective of the LifeWatch ERIC and GBIF meeting was to...
Amazon Basin Project is recruiting a consultant senior institutional Specialist
Acto is recruiting a consultant Senior Institutional Specialist to implement the activities of the Project Output 1.1 in a complementary and articulated way with the different components, strengthening the institutional and policy framework for IWRM at the national...