Study on the population status of the yacare (Caiman yacare) and the black caiman (Melanosuchus niger) in their natural distribution areas in Bolivia
TECHNICAL PAPERS SERIES Bioamazon Newsletter, issu n. 14, brings a technical paper "Study on the population status of the yacare (Caiman yacare) and the black caiman (Melanosuchus niger) in their natural distribution areas in Bolivia", a contibution of Jehan Ninon...
Training course on Tropical Timber Identification Methodologies
Technical representatives from the ACTO Member Countries will be participating in the training course to be held on May, in Brasilia. The Bioamazon Project, in partnership with the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB) and the Forest Products Laboratory (LPF) will conduct...
Bioamazon Project carries out monitoring visit to Ecuador
The team will go to the eight ACTO Member Countries this first semester to hold workshops on the Project and the Amazon Regional Observatory, in addition to field visits. Ecuador was the first Amazonian country to receive, in April, a visit from the Bioamazon Project...