ACTO hires of consultancy for the preparation of reports on the analysis of the health situation of indigenous peoples: Peru, Colombia, and Brazil Border, in the “Putumayo” region

May 3, 2021COVID-19, Gestión en Salud, Proyecto Plan de Contingencia Salud PI, Pueblos indígenas, Trabajo

The ACTO opens the selection process of hiring of consultancy for preparing a report about the analysis of the health situation of highly vulnerable indigenous peoples and in initial contact: Peru, Colombia, and Brazil Border, in the “Putumayo” region.

Deadline: May 03 to 14, 2021, until 8:00 p.m. (Brasilia time).

This project aims to consolidate regional cooperation actions among the ACTO Member Countries in the bordering areas of the Amazon Basin for the strengthening of local health services in said areas, meeting the requirements of Indigenous Peoples, devoted to the reduction of the impacts of COVID-19, and the threats of emerging and endemic tropical diseases in highly vulnerable indigenous peoples in border regions, with special emphasis on IPs in initial contact -due to their vulnerability situation-, ensuring coherence with national and local public health policies, and compatible and complementary with the existing institutional and operational structures of public management in the area of health.

The consultancy will be in charge of preparing a report about the analysis of the health situation of highly vulnerable indigenous peoples and in initial contact with a territorial and transboundary basis, in one of the border regions selected by the project. A participatory process will be considered and in coordination with local health services and indigenous peoples’ organizations.

Opportunity Summary:

  • Type of contract and modality: Contractual of External Products and Services, Lump Sum
  • Total value: USD 8000
  • Contract period: 120 days (4 continuous months)
  • Starting date: June 2021
  • Location: External consultancy. Joint coordinated work with the representation of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization – ACTO in Brasilia, Brazil.
  • Agency in charge: Permanent Secretariat


Submission of applications including a letter of intentions along with the curriculum vitae

Date: May 3 – 14, 2021

Timetable: 8 p.m. Brasilia local time (last day)

Submission of applications:

Subject of reference of email: PUTUMAYO Territorial Study


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