May 4, 2021
A OTCA abre o processo de seleção para a contratação de consultoría para apoiar os Países Membros da OTCA na implementação da CITES para as espécies arbóreas da região amazônica, no marco do Projeto Bioamazônia que estará aberto até o dia 13 de maio de 2021. Fonte de...
May 4, 2021
La OTCA abre el proceso de selección para contratar una consultoría para apoyar a los Países Miembros de la OTCA en la implementación de la CITES para las especies arbóreas de la Región Amazónica, en el marco del Proyecto Bioamazonía que estará abierto hasta el 13 de...
May 4, 2021
ACTO opens the selection process for hiring a consultancy to support ACTO Member Countries in the implementation of CITES for tree species in the Amazon region, within the framework of the Bioamazon Project that will be open until May 13, 2021. Funding source:...
May 3, 2021
The ACTO opens the selection process of hiring of consultancy for preparing a report about the analysis of the health situation of highly vulnerable indigenous peoples and in initial contact: Peru, Colombia, and Brazil Border, in the “Putumayo” region....
May 3, 2021
The ACTO opens the selection process of hiring of consultancy for preparing a report about the analysis of the health situation of highly vulnerable indigenous peoples and in initial contact: Peru, Brazil Border, in the MAMOADATE/MADRE DE DIOS. Deadline: May 03 to 14,...
May 3, 2021
The ACTO opens the selection process of hiring of consultancy for preparing a report about the analysis of the health situation of highly vulnerable indigenous peoples and in initial contact: Ecuador and Peru Border, “Napo/Tigre/Curaray”. Deadline: May 03 to 14, 2021,...