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Guía para la Inversión Sostenible y la Cooperación Internacional en Biodiversidad y Ecosistemas Amazónicos

Módulo 2 capacitación: Integración de la biodiversidad en el Manejo Forestal Sostenible en la Región Amazónica
Consulta Colombiana de Validación del Proceso de Tarapoto sobre Criterios e Indicadores de Sostenibi
Development and implementation of the Biodiversity Information System of the National Museum of Natural History
Objective is to strengthen knowledge management and the articulation of the National Biodiversity Information System of the Plurinational...
NIRS: Bank of near-infrared spectra of wood of similar species
The technology can be used by environmental, customs, police and other agents that combat illegal logging and its trade. Study being...
Ornamental Stingrays: Field trip aims to gather data for a population study of the species Potamotrygon wallacei (Chondrichthyes – Potamotrygonidae)
TECHNICAL PAPERS SERIES Author: Maria Lúcia Góes de Araújo, oceanologist, e-mail: ABSTRACT: The need to conduct a...
What is the threat status for tree ferns in Colombia?
Author: Sinchi Institute, Colombia What are the species of tree ferns with natural distribution in Colombia and what is their threat...
Strengthening the management of biodiversity information in Ecuador
The creation of the Biodiversity Data and Information Network (RIDB, in the Spanish acronym) will contribute to the continuous improvement...
Strengthening Sustainable Management Initiative and Traceability Mechanism for Amazonian Species
Author: Adonika Spellen, Research Officer: Guyana Wildlife Conservation and Management Commission Edited: Alona Sankar, Commissioner...