Alexandra Moreira and the governor of the State of Amapá hold meeting for the Amazon

Feb 11, 2020Sem categoria

Brasilia, 10.02.2020. –An alliance for the Amazon. This was the central theme of the meeting today, 10/02, held by the Secretary General of ACTO, Alexandra Moreira, with the governor of the state of Amapá, Waldez Góes, during the pre-launch workshop of the “Amazon Basin Project – Implementation of the Strategic Action Program to ensure Integrated and Sustainable Management of Transboundary Water Resources of the Amazon River Basin considering Climate Variability and Change”.

In this first dialogue they established the commitment to work together the nine Brazilian states organized in consortium together with the ACTO, in order to approximate the agendas of common interest for the region. Likewise, the governor invited the Secretary General of the ACTO to participate in the next meeting of the consortium, in Bethlehem, in order to dialogue and exchange experiences and solutions for the issues they say regarding the Amazon.

For her part, Moreira said that it is a great satisfaction to be able to work together. “We know that they have a very comprehensive planning on the different axes that are prioritizing in several projects, so they can count on our Organization to boost all these actions and projects,” she concluded.

Source: OTCA

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