Experts in indigenous health draw up recommendations for epidemiological surveillance in border regions

Sep 21, 2016Sem categoria

Cochabamba, September 21, 2016.- The meeting was held on September 19 and 20 with delegates from the Ministry of Health and experts in epidemiology in Indigenous Peoples of the Member Countries of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO).

Among the subjects discussed, the exchange of information on diseases affecting indigenous Amazonian communities such as malaria, tuberculosis, leishmaniasis, leptospirosis and the effects of mercury pollution were stood out.

With the sponsorship of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, the event aimed to elaborate recommendations and propose the systematization of local experiences to delineate a working tool with common methodologies of epidemiological surveillance in the region. This will contribute to better define the impact of diseases on health and the well-being of the communities that are part of the process in border regions between ACTO Member Countries. It will contribute to define the better impact of diseases on health and well-being of the communities that are part of process in border region between ACTO member countries.

This work will serve as a reference to countries for the thematic approach to diseases and environmental situations that affect health. Also, it will help guide national notification actions and control factors affecting indigenous border peoples.

The meeting is part of the ACTO Border Region Indigenous Project funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

Source: ACTO

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