International Course: Conservation of Biodiversity through Ecologically Responsible Forest Management in the Productive Forests of the Amazon

Jan 7, 2018Sem categoria

The applications for the “International course: Conservation of Biodiversity through Ecologically Responsible Forest Management in the Productive Forests of the Amazon”, has been extended.

This course is held under the Project ” Building capacities of OTCA member countries in ecologically responsible forest management and conservation of biodiversity in managed forests of the Amazon (ITTO/CBD/ACTO)”, and  is aimed at forestry professionals from the eight OTCA Member Countries, who act mainly in the field, in government institutions, non-governmental organizations, and academia and in private companies, and who are involved in different activities of forest management, especially those involving community participation.

The participants will be selected by a committee that will be made up of officials of the Regional Coordination of the Project and the Environment Coordination of the PS/ACTO. The selection will be made based on the review and analysis of the applications received within the foreseen term, considering as main criteria the position and functions currently performed, and the years of professional experience in forest management activities.

Deadline Forestry training center
August 31, 2018 Instituto Floresta Tropical (IFT)

Location: Pará, BRAZIL

September 7, 2018 Research Institute of the Peruvian Amazon (IIAP)

Location: Iquitos, PERU

Forestry Training Centre Incorporated (FTCI)

Location: Georgetown, GUYANA

The applications should be sent to Mr. Nilson Nogueira, administrative – financial project official to the e-mail:, with copy to:


Source: ACTO

Additional Files

Application Form
Course information


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