Acto team met with RGB authorities of Suriname

Mar 6, 2020Sem categoria

Today the PS/ACTO technicians, Mauro Ruffino and Marcio Dionisio met with The Minister of Spatial Planning, Land and Forest Management (RGB), Mr. Lekhram Soerdjan and the Permanent Secretary of RGB is Ms. Leandra M. Woei, to present ACTO’s actions and investments in Suriname, as well as future projects on water, sanitatization, waste solids and mercury. Also attending the meeting Miss Kaminie Tajib, National Focal Point of Bioamazon Project, Miss Marlena Wells of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Mr. Hesdy Esajas, Head of Suriname Forest Service and CITES Management Authority.
Source: Bioamazônia|OTCA

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