The progress of cooperation in transboundary water management of SDG 6.5.2 is discussed in an international seminar

Feb 24, 2021ACTO, Amazon Basin Project, Event, Integrated Management of Water Resources

The Secretary-General of ACTO, Alexandra Moreira,  participated in the High-Level Seminar (SAN) “Progress and challenges in transboundary water cooperation in Latin America in the framework of the SDGs and their indicator 6.5.2.”, carried out under the framework of the activities of the 21st Conference of Ibero-American Water Directors (CODIA).

The seminar brought together organizations and experts to analyze the progress achieved in transboundary cooperation and its degree of application within countries in terms of surface proportion of transboundary basins that are subject to operational cooperation arrangements in water issues, within the scope of CODIA.

During her speech, Alexandra Moreira, explained that the Member Countries work along with the proven institutional framework of ACTO have developed and strengthened the water resources axis throughout these years with the implementation of different initiatives while generating articulated trust among the 8 Member Countries.

Moreira mentioned that, under the regional action framework for water resources management, the ACTO is implementing 4 surface water projects an initiative in groundwater. This framework houses the different fundamental pillars that contribute to water security in the region. She pointed out that “Among the initiatives, together with the Inter-American Development Bank we are initiating the Multi-sector Nexus model for the Amazon Region along with a technical cooperation initiative that intends to deepen the understanding about the region to better address actions on the provision of services in drinking water, basic sanitation and solid waste management ”.

In addition, she highlighted the project for the Implementation of the Strategic Actions Program (SAP) between ACTO and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), which will implement 13 national projects to strengthen the capacities of governments and local communities to respond to extreme hydroclimatic events and the impacts of climate change in the region.

Regarding the Amazonas project: Regional Action in the Area of ​​Water Resources between ACTO and the National Agency for Water and Basic Sanitation of Brazil (ANA), she expressed that this initiative is working on the development and implementation of shared networks for monitoring the quality of hydrometeorological water in the Amazon Basin. “Now 4 countries are going to participate in the project, and it will be extended to the 8 Member Countries. In addition, a regional water resources and climate change database is being developed along with protocols for the exchange of regional information for the different monitoring networks, allowing regional monitoring of SDG 6 and 13 “.

According to CODIA, cooperation on transboundary waters is essential to guarantee the sustainable management of water resources and achieve the SDG 6.

In the world, 153 countries share transboundary waters (rivers, lakes or aquifers). Transboundary basins cover more than half of the earth’s surface -60% of the flow of all freshwater approximately-, and are home to more than 40 of the world’s population.

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