The assessment will follow the Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) standards.
On Wednesday, May 12, 2021, under the coordination of the Secretary General of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization, Alexandra Moreira, the first meeting with the Scientific Committee was held, following the definitions of the document approved by the countries on a “Rapid Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in the Amazon Region”. The meeting was led by the Executive Director of ACTO, Ambassador Carlos Lazary.
The regional assessment will be conducted under the conceptual and methodological format of the Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).
The purpose of the meeting was the introduction of the Scientific Committee and the formal start of the work for the development of the “Rapid Assessment”. With the integration of this scientific group, it is also expected to inform all the participants about the process of developing the Assessment, clarify the roles of the experts nominated by ACTO member countries, define the responsibilities of the Scientific Committee members, and also agree on the next steps in a joint work plan.
ACTO will coordinate the work carried out by the Scientific Committee, with the support of the Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute, based in Colombia. In consideration of the pandemic context, all meetings are being held virtually, continuing all the interactions foreseen in the ACTO Biodiversity Programme for the Amazon Region.
The results achivied by the Scientific Committee work will contribute to the expected outcome of providing scientific information on the state of biodiversity and recommendations on needs for action at the regional level.
This Rapid Assessment will be a crucial part of the Biological Diversity Program for the Amazon Region.