Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organzation – ACTO and the National Water Agency – ANA Brazil
Amazon Project: regional action in the area of water resources- Phase II
Modality: global price taking
Bidding type: lowest price
Process: Nr. LP 02/2021
Purpose of bidding: To hire a consulting firm to prepare protocols for monitoring the quantity and quality of surface water of the Regional Network for the Monitoring of the Amazon Basin.
Bidding process stages (Extended term)
a) Reception of proposals: from September 8th to October 31st, 2021, until 23:59, Brasilia local time
b) Analyses and qualification of firms: from November 1st to 15th, 2021
c) Date foreseen to define the winning company: November 16th, 2021
d) Date foreseen for results disclosure and contracting process: November 17th, 2021
Time Reference: All references to deadlines in this bidding, and during the public session shall respect the Brasilia-DF local time and, accordingly, receptions will be registered by following email:
The PS/ACTO reserves the right to change/adjust the deadlines to analyze the proposals and announce the final result at any time.