ACTO will implement the Amazon Node in GBIF

Nov 21, 2022Amazon Regional Observatory, News

The coordinator of the Amazon Regional Observatory, Mauro Ruffino, presented the ARO functionalities at the LifeWatch ERIC and GBIF event, which took place from November 14th to 18th in Seville, Spain.

The main objective of the LifeWatch ERIC and GBIF meeting was to bring together the coordinators of national biodiversity information networks and work together to promote collaboration between Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean. Representatives from several countries, including Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, participated.

ACTO is a participating member of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for cooperation in sharing biodiversity data was signed in 2021.

Among ACTO/ARO´s priorities is the implementation of the Amazon Node, which provides information on Member Countries that are not part of GBIF, in addition to promoting the exchange of data with the initiative.

Published in Bioamazon Newsletter #18, November-December 2022. =============================================================================

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