BioForestALC: Connecting Bioeconomy and Forests with Human Development

May 19, 2022Bioamazon Project, forum, News

BioForestALC is the First Virtual Forum on the Potential of Non-Timber Forest Products for a Bioeconomy in Latin America and the Caribbean.

This event will be held from 23 to 26 May 2022, from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM (Brasilia, Brazil time) on Zoom platfom.

The virtual event is open to anyone interested in the topic and translations into Spanish, English and Portuguese will be available.

BioForestALC was designed to promote exchange of experiences and construction of a panel of actions by relevant actors in the chains and prospection of possible paths.

The proposal is to identify and formulate joint initiatives to strengthen the bioeconomy in Latin America and the Caribbean, based on the development of value chains for non-timber forest products.

For this, bioeconomy experiences with NTFPs will be systematized and disseminated through ACTO Regional Platform for the Exchange of Information and Knowledge On Forests and Biodiversity Conservation. To register your experience, just access the link, fill in the form to enter your experience!


Date: May 23 to 26, 2022
Time: 3pm to 6pm, Brasilia time
Format: virtual
Find out more:

BioForestALC is organized by:

  • CATIE – Centro de Pesquisa e Ensino Agrícola Tropical
  • Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa/MAPA)
  • Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas (IPÊ/ LIRA)
  • IUFRO – União Internacional de Organizações de Pesquisa Florestais
  • Serviço Florestal Brasileiro (SFB/MAPA)
  • Universidade de Brasília (UnB)

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