
Official name: Federative Republic of Brazil
National day: September 7th (Independence Day)
Capital city: Brasilia
Form of government: Multi-party Federative Republic with National Congress consists of National Senate and Chamber of Deputies
Political division: The country is divided, both politically and administratively, into 27 federative units, which are 26 states and one Federal District
Head of state: Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
Area: 8,547,403.5km²
Population: 201,032 million (IBGE: Jul/2013)
Language: Portuguese
Currency: Real
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Projects on indigenous people are presented in an international forum
New York April 26, 2017.-On April 26, within the framework of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, 2017(UNPFII), the Permanent...
The ACTO organize a side event on PIACI during the 16th Session of the UNPFII
Brasília, April 19, 2017-The permanent secretariat of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (SP/OTCA) will hold, on April 26, the...
Side event: Indigenous Peoples in Voluntary Isolation and Initial Contact in the Amazon Region (26 April)
The permanent secretariat of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (SP/OTCA) will hold, on April 26, the side event: Indigenous...
Course qualifies in sampling and preservation of water and sediment samples
Brasilia, April 02, 2017.- A Module 1 of the course on Collection and Preservation of Water and Sediment Samples will be held from 3 to 16...
4th Meeting of Forest Authorities of Member Countries ( March 30 – 31)
This meeting will be attended by a specialist on the theme of the Amazon countries and will be held on March 30 and 31 in the Brokopondo...
Suriname will host the 4th Meeting of Forest Authorities of Amazon Countries
Brasília, March 24, 2017. - The Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) will hold the 4th Meeting of Forest Authorities of the...