Regional Project for the Management, Monitoring and Control of Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Threatened by Trade
Bioamazon Project
Conservation of species threatened by unsustainable trade
More informations
National and regional information and knowledge management systems
Regional harmonization and strengthening of national electronic permitting mechanisms/ systems /processes
Strengthening sustainable management initiatives and traceability mechanisms for Amazonian species
Acto at Cites COP 19
This regional project aims to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of management, monitoring and control of wild fauna and flora species threatened by trade in ACTO Member Countries to contribute to the conservation of Amazonian Biodiversity and especially of species listed in Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres (CITES).
To meet these objectives, a strategy was proposed based on two main areas related to investment and the development of complementary activities to strengthen technical institutional capacities and improve inter-institutional coordination. Additionally, the strategy will allow to promote experience exchanges such as:
- horizontal cooperation mechanisms and collaborative learning.
- establish and generate discussion and concertation spaces to strengthen national mechanisms and tools.
- propose regional cooperation guidelines in the management of relevant information; and,
- improve the infrastructures and equipment of the responsible national institutions and of the ACTO Secretariat.
Funded by the German Development Bank (KfW) Banco Alemán de Desarrollo (KfW), the project started in 2016 and is being implemented under the institutional tutelage of ACTO, through a financial cooperation agreement between Germany and the Permanent Secretariat of ACTO (PS/ACTO), through KfW.
The first phase of the Bioamazon Project ended in 2022.
You can find out the main results by Component and by ACTO Member Country in the links below:
Component 1: National and regional information and knowledge management systems
News about the project
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