Doctors, nurses, and health technicians participate in ACTO’s mission in Bolivia

Dec 14, 2022ACTO, COVID-19, Health Contingency Plans Project for IP, Health management, Indigenous Peoples

The members of the technical mission on the Madidi region in Bolivia, jointly with the medical team of the San Buenaventura Hospital, have gathered today, December 14, at the control and surveillance point El Bala to plan the visit to the Torewa community, where families of villages of Tacana, Mosetene, T’simane, and settlers live.

Forming a part of the planned activities, the medical team will conduct comprehensive care for the local public, including the vaccination campaign for Covid-19 in indigenous communities. The focus of the actions shall start the immunization process of the children with the vaccines of the Unified Health System (SUS for its acronym in Spanish) of Bolivia.

It is the first time that a medical team with different specialties, led by the Director of the San Buenaventura Hospital, Dr. Santos Gutiérrez, will arrive in this community, supported by the Project Contingency Plans for Health Protection of Highly Vulnerable Indigenous Peoples and in Initial Contact (ACTO/OPS/BID).

The visit to the Torewa community also will be integrated for technicians for the radio network installation and rangers of the National Protected Areas Service (SERNAP for its acronym in Spanish), which will provide protection service to the Madidi National Park. This activity shows the interinstitutional coordination, which is required to respond to health-related issues in a coordinated way in indigenous villages adjacent to protected areas.


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