The Peruvian Amazon Biological and Environmental Diversity Information System aims to promote the dissemination, exchange and accessibility of information on biodiversity at the regional, national and international levels, raising the level of knowledge among stakeholders related to the Peruvian Amazon.
Author: Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana (IIAP)
The Peruvian Amazon Research Institute (IIAP) has developed a new version of the Peruvian Amazon Biological and Environmental Diversity Information System (SIAMAZONIA) with the support of the Bioamazon Project, executed by the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO).
SIAMAZONIA aims to be the reference center for the extensive and dispersed information on the biological and environmental diversity of the Peruvian Amazon, stored in different information generating centers; and to promote the dissemination, exchange and accessibility of information at regional, national and international levels, raising the level of knowledge among the actors related to the Peruvian Amazon and contributing with the basis for its sustainable development.
SIAMAZONIA is defined as a nodal system, where different information generators have the possibility of incorporating content using the platform (users and permits) or through interoperation and/or technical assistance mechanisms. It should be noted in this regard that one of the main principles of the platform is to always respect authorship, collaboration and privacy of content at all levels. Currently, the main node and the one with the largest amount of content is the IIAP, but we hope to incorporate more content from other nodes in the medium term.
The system has a much disaggregated data model, which allows the different contents to interrelate with each other in the best possible way; for example, it is possible to know which observations have been made of a certain species in our catalog, or which specialists or scientific resources are related to it.
Content management is based on the main international biodiversity standards, with the purpose of allowing the exchange of information where SIAMAZONIA could work in two ways: requesting content or providing content.
SIAMAZONIA has an adaptive web design, i.e., the content can be displayed properly from different devices and also allows sharing and disseminating content through social media.
The system has 3 main components:
1.Public Web
It allows exposing and making available to the scientific community and the general public the information managed in the manageable component. The following services are available:
- Species catalog
- Biological data
- Biodiversity scientific resources or bibliographic material
- Geographic maps
- Directory of specialists
2.Manageable Web (intranet)
It allows information nodes and/or specialists through access (users and permissions) to manage their content based on standards (creation and edition) such as:
- Biological dataset management and observation mapping (Darwin Core Standard)
- Species catalog management (Plinian core standard)
- Scientific resource or bibliographic material management (Dublin core standard)
- Geographic map metadata management (ISO 19115 Standard)
- Management of other related contents such as: Entities, Information Systems, Natural Protected Areas, Populated Centers, Indigenous Communities, Ecosystems and Themes.
3.Interoperability services
The services are presented for use by other information systems or regional initiatives such as the Amazon Regional Observatory (ARO).
Visit the SIAMAZONIA website and learn more about the biodiversity of the Peruvian Amazon:
Published in the Bioamazon Newsletter, issue n. 9, May-June 2021.