Call for the selection of experts to be authors of the rapid assessment on biodiversity and ecosystem services
The Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization, ACTO, is calling for experts in different areas of knowledge to be authors of the RAPID ASSESSMENT ON BIODIVERSITY AND ECOSYSTEM SERVICES for the Amazon region. This invitation is addressed to experts in different areas of...
Call for the selection of experts indigenous and local knowledge
The Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization, ACTO, is calling for experts in different areas of knowledge to be authors of the Rapid Assessment on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for the Amazon region. This invitation is directed to experts in indigenous and local...
The Regional Program of Biological Diversity for the Amazon Basin/Region
The Amazon is considered one of the regions with the greatest wealth of biological diversity on the planet, sheltering the richest diversity of birds, freshwater fish, primates and butterflies. The region is considered the world’s last refuge for various endangered...