The ACTO signs terms of assignment of use of goods destined to IBAMA and SFB
Brasilia, 26 November, 2018.- Brasilia, 23 November, 2018.- The secretary general of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO), Maria Jacqueline Mendoza, the president of the Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama), Suely Mara...
Specialists from the Amazon countries discuss the progress of the Regional Hydrometeorological Network
Brasilia, November 19, 2018.- Specialists from the institutions of the ACTO Member Countries that work in the area of water resources are participating in the Technical Meeting: Discussions on the progress in the conformation of the Regional Hydrometeorological...
Amazonian Strategic Cooperation Agenda 2019 – 2030 is validated at a technical level
Brasilia, November 09, 2018.- The Amazonian Strategic Cooperation Agenda (ASCA) 2019-2030 was validated at a technical level by the delegates presented from Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru and Suriname during the III Regional Meeting of ACTO Focal...