April 22: International Mother Earth Day
Announcement Today, April 22, the International Mother Earth Day is celebrated worldwide, a day we have the opportunity to recognize the interdependence that exists among human beings, other living species and the planet that we all live in, which is our Big Home, our...
Promoting Regional Health Agenda, subject of a working meeting between ACTO and PAHO/WHO
Washington, April 18, 2017.-The Secretary General of ACTO, Ambassador María Jacqueline Mendoza Ortega met with the Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Dr. Carissa Faustina Etienne at the Pan American Sanitary Bureau in Washington D.C. on April 17...
ACTO celebrates World Water Day with various activities at the 8th World Water Forum
Brasilia, March 22, 2018.-Today, March 22, World Water Day is celebrated and this year, it focuses on exploring how nature can help us overcome the challenges posed by water in the 21st century. Amazon is one of the regions with the greatest amount of fresh water, so...