Peru reaffirms its commitment to regional efforts for the sustainable management of the Amazon Basin

Sep 20, 2023Amazon Basin Project, NEWS SITE

Following successful national workshops in Bolivia and Colombia, Peru is preparing to host the National Workshop of the Strategic Actions Program (SAP), a joint event organized by Peru’s National Water Authority (ANA) and the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO). This important meeting will be held on September 26 and 27 in the city of Lima.

The main objective of the SAP Implementation Workshop is to promote strategic actions aimed at strengthening Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) capacity at the national level, as well as strengthening the resilience of local communities to the challenges of climate change. It also seeks to ensure the availability of consistent information throughout the Amazon Basin to support decision-making in regional cooperation.

The event in Lima will bring together government representatives, both at national and departmental level, from the areas of water management, culture and education, to formulate recommendations for the SAP implementation process. It will also identify opportunities for regional cooperation and contribute to the formulation of a National Action Plan (NAP).

The NAP will be a document aligned with national policies and will cover various actions within the framework of implementing the SAP. These include institutional strengthening for IWRM, an IWRM Training Program, monitoring of the basin’s water resources, as well as a focus on cultural aspects related to water and measures to adapt to climate change in the Amazon Basin.

It should be noted that gender equality will be a cross-cutting element in all the PAE and NAP actions. During the event, professionals working in the area of integrated water resources management and other stakeholders will be trained to integrate gender equality into water-related policies, plans, programs and projects.

This workshop is part of the implementation of the SAP within the framework of the Amazon Basin Project, an initiative carried out by ACTO, with the support of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF). These workshops will be held in the eight ACTO member countries with the aim of preparing governments and society for participatory water management in the region.


Strategic Action Program (SAP)

The SAP, adopted in 2017 by the ACTO member countries, which include Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela, was developed based on three guiding objectives: 1. strengthening Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), 2. institutional adaptation to climate variability and change, and 3. knowledge management. Its 19 strategic actions are key to promoting collective responses to the rapid degradation of water resources, land and biodiversity, to strengthening countries’ technical capacity for integrated and sustainable water management and to strengthening people’s resilience to the impacts and threats of climate variability. With the SAP as the guiding instrument for regional cooperation, the eight ACTO countries seek to benefit the population and ecosystems of the Amazon Basin based on equitable social, economic and environmental considerations.

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