
Official name: Republic of Peru
National day: July 28th (Independence Day)
Capital city: Lima
Form of government: presidential representative democratic republic, independent and sovereign social. Branches: executive, legislative and judicial
Political division: the country is divided politically into 24 departments and geographically into three regions of Costa (coast), Sierra (highlands) and Selva (jungle).
Head of state: Dina Boluarte
Population:31 488 625 (2016)
Language: Spanish (official), Quechua, Aimara and other dialects spoken in native forest communities
Currency: Nuevo Sol
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CITES species included in the Ichthyological Collection CIACOL
Considering the threat situation of freshwater stingrays, CIACOL elaborated a descriptive booklet for the species present in Colombia in...
Forest Products Laboratory and RJ Botanical Garden make wood collection data available on the internet
Integration of information between the two institutions was supported by ACTO, through the Bioamazon Project. The xilotheque¹ of the...
Study on the population status of the yacaré (Caiman yacare) and the black caiman (Melanosuchus niger) in their natural distribution areas in Bolivia
Authors: Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Ecología FUND-ECO Contact: The National Program for the Conservation...
ACTO participates in webinar on international experiences in health of Amazonian indigenous peoples in the context of pandemic by COVID-19
With the collaboration of PAHO and the Ministries of Health of Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia and Colombia, ACTO, ORAS, HIVOS and GIZ, the first...
Integrated Fire Management among ACTO Member Countries
On August 12, the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) held a webinar to present the "Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation...
ACTO will hold the webinar of Integral Management of Fire among the Member Countries of the ACTO
The webinar will take place on August 12, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (Brasília time) in Spanish and English. Register and participate in...