Amendment Protocol

In accordance with Article 20 of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty the meeting of Ministers is responsible for:

a) Establishing the basic guidelines of common policy and cooperation actions;

b) assessing and evaluating the general progress of the Amazonian cooperation process; and

c) adopting decisions aimed at the attainment of the objectives proposed in the Treaty

Will be in charge as well, of establishing and adequate the system of financial contributions.

See complete file



Amendment Protocol

On December 14, 1998, in Caracas, Venezuela, the representatives of the Member Countries reasserted the principles and the objectives of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty (ACT) by signing Amendment Protocol to the Treaty which established the creation of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organizaion(ACTO) and the instalation of its Permanent Secretariat(PS), that undertook on August 2, 2002, with the final ratification of the Goverment of Colombia. From this very moment, the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization adquired its legal validity.

Amendment Protocol