Official name: Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
National day: July 5th (Independence Day)
Capital city: Caracas
Form of government: Democratic, participatory, leading, elective, decentralized, alternative, responsible and pluralist, with revocable mandates. Branches: Executive, Legislative, Judicial, Citizen and Electoral
Political division: the country is divided into 23 States, 1 Capital District, 311 federal dependencies and federal territories.
Head of state: Nicolás Maduro
Area: 916,445 km²
Population: 31,804,790 (2015)
Language: Spanish (Official) and 31 indigenous languages
Currency: Bolivar fuerte
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Principles and guidelines for the protection amazonian indigenous peoples facing the coronavirus pandemic
Indigenous Peoples are populations of high vulnerability and risk in different aspects, the immunological is no exception. We highlight...
ACTO report to UNFF15
Regional reports to UNFF15.Regional and subregional bodies are working to advance implementation of the UN Strategic Plan for Forests 2030...
Acto team met with RGB authorities of Suriname
Today the PS/ACTO technicians, Mauro Ruffino and Marcio Dionisio met with The Minister of Spatial Planning, Land and Forest Management...
ACTO team holds meeting with the Ambassador Miriam A. Mac Intosh of Suriname
Today, March 5, the coordinator of the Bioamazon Project, Mauro Ruffino and Advisor Marcio Dionisio, from PS/ACTO met with the Ambassador...
Workshop of the conceptual model of the Information and Knowledge Management System of ACTO is carried out in Suriname
On March 4, the design workshop of the conceptual model of the Information and Knowledge Management System of ACTO was discussed in...
KAP Survey on Knowledge Management of the Amazonian Region
The “Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) Survey” on knowledge management in the Amazonian Region, enquires about the learning and...