Webinar Access to Vaccines against Covid-19

Aug 10, 2020Sem categoria

The event will be on Friday, August 14th. The objective is to exchange proposals on equitable access to the vaccine against COVID-19 by indigenous populations.

The Organization of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty (ACTO) and the Subregional Program for South America of the Pan American Health Organization PAHO / WHO are organizing webinars on Indigenous Health.

The first webinar of this series, with the theme Access to Vaccines Against COVID in Indigenous Peoples, will be held on Friday, August 14, 2020, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (Brasilia local time), on Zoom Platform.

The events will be broadcast live on the ACTO channel on Youtube

The objective is to exchange proposals between the main integration mechanisms on equitable access to the COVID-19 vaccine by indigenous populations, in response to the current COVID-19 pandemic. The promoting institutions seek to open a space for the exchange of experiences and proposals between the main integration and cooperation blocs in South America: ORAS-CONHU, ACTO and MERCOSUR; in order to discuss proposals for access to indigenous populations of this vaccine.

Take part!

EVENT:Access to Vaccines Against COVID in Indigenous Peoples

DATE: August, 14th 2020

TIME: from 10:30am to 13:00 pm (Brasilia local time)

WHERE: Youtube OTCA 

Source: OTCA

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