Learn about our work
We promote cooperation, the sustainable development of the Amazon Region and the well-being of its inhabitants with the aim of reducing existing the asymmetries among the Member Countries as well as within the countries.
- We promote the implementation of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty (ACT) and the objectives and actions defined in the Amazonian Strategic Cooperation Agenda (ASCA).
- We promote a common strategic vision and articulated actions for the sustainable and harmonious development of the Amazon Region.
- We facilitate the exchange and cooperation among Member Countries promoting sustainable development of the Amazon Region in order to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants.
- We promote the strengthening of the rights of indigenous peoples, local communities and other tribal communities, and the empowerment of women in the Amazon Region.
- We promote knowledge management to achieve sustainable development in the Amazon Region.
We consolidate ACTO cooperation and coordination with other organizations and entities, on strategic topics for the Amazon. - We strengthen regional information monitoring processes, the exchange of initiatives and good practices, promoting mechanisms and instruments to achieve sustainable development of the Amazon Region.
- We promote the effective management of information, knowledge and innovation on key issues to improve decision-making in the Amazon Region.
- We propose and implement regional actions and measures inherent to ACTO’s mission and the priorities of the Member Countries.
We execute and coordinate strategic regional activities, programs, and projects in accordance with the mandates of the Member Countries. - We promote technical cooperation and capacity building in the Member Countries based on their requirements.
- We promote the visibility of the region in the framework of global agreements.
- We channel resources from international cooperation to the Amazon region.
- We promote the execution of strategic agreements with other regional and international entities to strengthen sustainable development in the Amazon Region.
Representatives of the Pan-Amazonian Social Forum are received by the Executive Director and technical team of ACTO
The delegation of civil society members from the Amazon region, including the Pan-Amazonian Social Forum (FOSPA, for its acronym in...
Guyana: ACTO is hiring a Consulting Company or Institution specialized in hydrogeology
The Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) is hiring a Consulting Company / Institution specialized in hydrogeology or with...
Recommendations and conclusions for the territorial protection and health care for indigenous communities were presented in the triple border region of Peru, Brazil, and Bolivia
The Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) executed the Trinational Meeting Peru, Brazil, and Bolivia, where they defined actions...
Healthcare actions for indigenous peoples are presented in the Tri-national meeting
In the area of the Project Contingency Plans for Health Protection of Highly Vulnerable Indigenous Peoples and in Initial Contact...
The articulation about healthcare services in the border region of MAP (Madre de Dios – Acre – Pando) is being discussed in the meeting
The Trinational meeting took place in Rio Branco, Acre (Brazil). In this meeting, the participants will be defining the articulation...
Governmental and non-governmental indigenous leaders from the triple border region of Peru, Brazil, and Bolivia discuss local health services
With the aim of achieving coordination and cooperation among the local health services in the triple border region of Peru (Madre de...