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Guía para la Inversión Sostenible y la Cooperación Internacional en Biodiversidad y Ecosistemas Amazónicos

Módulo 2 capacitación: Integración de la biodiversidad en el Manejo Forestal Sostenible en la Región Amazónica
Consulta Colombiana de Validación del Proceso de Tarapoto sobre Criterios e Indicadores de Sostenibi
Ecuador generates a proposal to strengthen the orchid value chain in the Amazon region (Napo, Morona Santiago and Zamora Chinchipe)
TECHNICAL PAPER SERIES Authors: María Alejandra Gallardo; Germán Esteban Trujillo; Renato Ismael Jaramillo and José Luis Rodríguez MAG...
Situation diagnosis of the arapaima fish-farming (Arapaima gigas) in the Peruvian Amazon
TECHNICAL PAPER SERIES Author: Juan Martín Canturín García, Fishing engineer specializing in small-scale fishing and aquaculture. E-mail:...
Delivery of Equipment for the Strengthening of Biodiversity Information to the National Museum of Natural History of Bolivia
Author: Ministry of Environment and Water (MMAyA) The Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO), within the framework of the Regional...
Traceability of arapaima: a necessity to protect the species
System is being developed in Brazil with support from ACTO. The Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) is supporting Brazil in the...
Monitoring of wildlife destined for consumption in Estrella Fluvial de Inírida EFI, Colombia
Author: Sinchi Institute In the Colombian Amazon, as in the Pan-Amazon region, local communities, especially indigenous communities, have...
ACTO works with Amazonian countries to develop Regional Plan for Cedar
The next workshop will take place on March 3, World Wildlife Day, with the theme "Management of neotropical tree species included in...