
El país se divide tradicionalmente en tres regiones: Costa, Sierra y Selva. Aunque esta sencilla división refleja la apariencia general de la geografía peruana, la realidad es bastante más rica y compleja: en el Perú la naturaleza parece adoptar características particulares que convierten a sus macizos montañosos, sus mesetas, sus selvas y sus valles, en hábitats únicos. Una extraordinaria variedad de ecosistemas que alberga las más diversas especies animales y plantas.
Nombre oficial: República del Perú
Fecha Nacional: 28 de julio
Capital: Lima
Forma de gobierno: República democrática, social independiente y soberana. Poderes: Ejecutivo, Legislativo y Judicial
División política: Está divido políticamente en 24 departamentos. Geográficamente el país se divide en tres regiones: Costa, Sierra y Selva
Presidente: Dina Boluarte
Superfície: 1.285.215 km²
Población: 27.547.000 habitantes (CEPAL 2004)
Lengua:Castellano, Quechua y Aimara. Hay otros dialectos hablados en las comunidades nativas de la selva
Moneda: Nuevo Sol
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ACTO hires of consultancy for the preparation of reports on the analysis of the health situation of indigenous peoples: Peru, Colombia, and Brazil Border, in the “Putumayo” region
The ACTO opens the selection process of hiring of consultancy for preparing a report about the analysis of the health situation of highly...
ACTO hires of consultancy for the preparation of reports on the analysis of the health situation of indigenous peoples: Peru, Brazil Border, in the MAMOADATE/MADRE DE DIOS
The ACTO opens the selection process of hiring of consultancy for preparing a report about the analysis of the health situation of highly...
ACTO hires of consultancy for the preparation of reports on the analysis of the health situation of indigenous peoples: Ecuador and Peru Border, “Napo/Tigre/Curaray”
The ACTO opens the selection process of hiring of consultancy for preparing a report about the analysis of the health situation of highly...
ACTO hires of consultancy for the preparation of reports on the analysis of the health situation of indigenous peoples: Peru, Brazil Border, “JAVARI” region
The ACTO opens the selection process of hiring of consultancy for preparing a report about the analysis of the health situation of highly...
ACTO hires of consultancy for the preparation of reports on the analysis of the health situation of indigenous peoples: border region of Brazil, Guyana and Suriname
The ACTO opens the selection process of hiring of consultancy for preparing a report about the analysis of the health situation of highly...
ACTO hires of consultancy for the preparation of reports on the analysis of the health situation of indigenous peoples: Bolivia, Peru Border, in the “MADIDI/BAHUAJA SONENE
The ACTO opens the selection process of hiring of consultancy for preparing a report about the analysis of the health situation of highly...