Amazon Regional Observatory: Work began on the development of the water resources and integrator modules

Jun 29, 2021Bioamazon Project, Informative

The company contracted by the Amazonas Project will have to put the modules into operation taking into account the interoperability standards defined for the Amazon Regional Observatory

The development of the Water Resources Module and the Amazon Networks Integrator Module of the Amazon Regional Observatory (ARO) was started. For this purpose, the Amazon Project hired the company Geodatin, which began its work on June 7. The modules are expected to be completed by February of next year.

The Amazonas Project: Regional Action in the Area of Water Resources is an initiative of the National Water and Basic Sanitation Agency (ANA), the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) and the Brazilian Cooperation Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (ABC/MRE).

The Amazonas Project is in its second phase, and its objective is to contribute to the promotion of shared and sustainable management of water resources in the Amazon Basin, which translates into the implementation of shared hydrological and water quality monitoring networks, the structuring of a database on water resources and climate change, the dissemination of knowledge on the Amazon reality and technical training actions with representatives of institutions involved with water resources in ACTO Member Countries – Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela.

Among the products planned in this second phase of the project, one concerns the structuring of a hydrological, sedimentometric and water quality information module that will allow data exchange between the countries of the Amazon Basin. This information module is part of the Amazon Regional Observatory, which is being developed by ACTO.

Amazon Regional Observatory

The implementation of the Amazon Regional Observatory has been prioritized by the Permanent Secretariat of ACTO as a space for articulation in different areas of information of the Amazon countries. The ARO covers information on biodiversity and CITES species, forests, water resources, indigenous peoples, science and technology, among others, and should become a reference center for regional information.

The CITES Species module, implemented by the Bioamazon Project, is already in the final stages of development and testing.

For the Water Resources and Amazon Network Integrator modules, Geodatin will diagnose the databases, information systems and IT infrastructure used for hydrological data management in the member countries that are part of the Amazon Hydrological Network. It will also develop the databases (including historical and flow level data) and load the data into the computer platform with official information from ACTO member countries and other existing systems. Finally, the computer platform will be published on the ARO/ACTO website.

Published in the Bioamazon Newsletter, issue n. 9, May-June 2021.

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