Know more about the Electronic Identification Key for wood

Feb 7, 2022ACTO, Bioamazon Project, News

Learn about the interactive identification key for wood commercialized in Brazil. This tool is useful in the identification of tropical timber species, and provides essential information for control and inspection agents in the fight against illegal deforestation; and was built on the basis of general and macroscopic anatomical characters whereby, with just a pocketknife, it is possible to produce the cut, and with a 10x magnifying glass to observe the features.

The key has 275 species among the most commercialized and the most threatened, including all the Brazilian timber species included in the CITES appendices.

Data related to the species listed in this key were obtained from analyzes of material from the LPF xylotheque and the original key data published in 2010.

The key was developed by the Forest Products Laboratory (LPF) of the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB) in collaboration with the Brazilian Federal Police and with the support of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization, through the Bioamazon Project.

To access the electronic key, follow this link

Published in the Bioamazon Newsletter, issue n. 13, Jan-Feb 2022. ==================================================================


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