Professors from the University of Brasilia visit ACTO to discuss possible cooperation

Jun 1, 2023ACTO

With great satisfaction, the ACTO team received the visit of Prof. Dr. Mário Lima Brasil, Director of the Center for Advanced Multidisciplinary Studies, and Prof. Dr. Manoel Pereira de Andrade, Coordinator of Post-Graduate Studies in Amazonian Studies of the University of Brasilia (UnB) at ACTO. During the meeting, the Water Resources Situation Room was presented, an innovative initiative that performs real-time monitoring of the Amazon River basin.

During the visit, the possibilities for a partnership between ACTO and UnB were also discussed, especially regarding the construction of a permanent institutional relationship between the two organizations. This collaboration would allow the expansion and improvement of the capacities that cover the sustainable development agenda, further strengthening the efforts for the preservation of the Amazon.

The union between ACTO and UnB will certainly open doors to a brighter future of research, innovation and sustainable development in the Amazon Region. Together, it will be possible to face the complex challenges that involve all areas of the Amazon agenda and to promote effective solutions for environmental balance.

We thank Professors Mario and Manoel for their visit and for the interest shown in our projects. We are excited about the prospects for partnership and hope that this collaboration will be valuable and beneficial to all involved.



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