ACTO discusses isolated Indigenous peoples in the Amazon Summit

Aug 4, 2023ACTO, Event, Indigenous Peoples, News, PIACI Protection Framework Program, Summit

During the Amazon Dialogues, in the meetings preceding the Amazon Summit in Belém, Pará, the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) will hold a thematic table on Cooperation Models and Perspectives for the Protection of Indigenous Peoples in Isolation and Initial Contact (PIACI) in the Amazon.

Considering that cooperation between States and civil society, in a collective and integrated way, addresses socio-environmental, economic and political challenges, the discussion aims to create, in an articulated and collaborative way, a reflective space on the situation of PIACI in the Amazonian countries where there are confirmed records of these cities. Among the various topics that will be addressed are cooperation between countries in favor of the protection of these peoples; policies that promote self-determination and land protection; health care for PIACI in the Amazon and a development model for the region that contributes to the protection of rights.

These debates will serve as a basis for the preparation of a document with recommendations for the comprehensive protection of Indigenous Peoples in Isolation and in Initial Contact to be presented during the General Thematic Table of Indigenous Peoples, which will take place on 06/08, during the Amazon Dialogues.

Authorities from ACTO will be present; the Secretary of Territorial and Environmental Rights of the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples (MPI), Eunice Kerexu; the President of the National Foundation for Indigenous Peoples (FUNAI), Joenia Wapixana; the Secretary of Indigenous Health of the Ministry of Health (SESAI), Ricardo Weibe Tapeba; the Coordinator of the Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (COIAB), Dadá Baniwa; as well as other government authorities, civil society and Indigenous Peoples from ACTO member countries. The dialogue will take place in cooperation with the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil and with the support of the Pan American Health Organization/Latin America Subprogramme for the Americas (PAHO/SAM).



05/08 – 14h to 18h, Plenary B

Thematic Panel: Indigenous Peoples in Isolation and Initial Contact (IPIC)



Frida Montalvan – (61) 3248-4119 

Flávia Gomes – (61) 98462-0794

Communications Office 

Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization – ACTO

Mashco Piro in Isolation


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