A basic document is agreed for the health care of indigenous peoples of the Bahuaja Sonene parks (Peru) and the Madidi park (Bolivia)

Jul 21, 2022ACTO, Health Contingency Plans Project for IP, Health management, Indigenous Peoples, Meeting, News

Moving forward with the health component of the binational agreement of the Bahuaja Sonene (Peru) and Madidi (Bolivia) parks, representatives of the National Nature Conservation Services and the Ministries of Health and Indigenous Affairs met virtually at the chancelleries of both countries to prepare the document that will provide the basis for health care activities for indigenous peoples in the area of these parks.

The contributions focused on the importance of indigenous medicine practices in the strengthening health services, seeking the articulation between indigenous health community agents, protection of peoples in isolation and park guards of Bahuaja Sonene, Madidi and the Tambopata National Reserve, through the promotion of training events in the context of the intercultural approach.

The main result of the meeting was the document of agreements between the two countries, in which the health aspect will be incorporated into all work plans, within the scope of the agreements between the National Nature Conservation Services (National Service of Natural Protected Areas SERNANP – Peru/ National Service of Protected Areas – SERNAP).


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