A situational study on the health of indigenous peoples is presented: Bahuaja Sonene National Park and the Madidi Park region

Jul 21, 2022ACTO, HEALTH, Health Contingency Plans Project for IP, Health management, Indigenous Peoples, News

Project Contingency Plan for the Protection of the Health of Highly Vulnerable Indigenous Peoples and in Initial Contact (OTCA/PAHO/IDB)

Invited by the Directorate of Indigenous Peoples of the Peruvian Ministry of Health (MINSA), project technicians, Carlos Macedo (Coordinator) and Fritz Villasante (consultant), presented the results of the health situation study of indigenous peoples in the Bahuaja Sonene National Park and Tambopata National Reserve (Peru) and the Madidi Park region (Bolivia), where the communities of the Ese Eja live. They also pointed out the urgent need to strengthen primary health care for these communities.

In this context, the agreement for the conservation of nature in both parks, with the “Integral Management of Natural Resources and Health Protection between the Bahuajá Sonene and Madidi Parks”, highlights the importance of the health component promoted by ACTO and the Ministries of Health of both countries, to respond to the demands for health services by the indigenous peoples of this sub-region.

Also participating for the Ministry of Health were David Huamani and Carlos León Posadas and for PAHO, Carlos Arosquipa.

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