ACTO brings together leaders from 8 countries to form the Amazon Regional Platform of Indigenous Peoples

Jul 19, 2023ACTO

Indigenous leaders from the Amazon, government representatives from the Member Countries that make up the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) and specialists from various areas meet in Brasilia on July 19 and 22, at the regional event “Dialogue and Exchange of Experiences for the construction of the Regional Platform of Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon” with the purpose of formulating recommendations that contribute to the processes of articulation in the region and the design of a Regional Strategy Amazon Indigenous Peoples and climate change.

ACTO promotes the international event as part of the project work plan it implements with the support of the European Union’s Euroclima Programme,  for the CREATION OF THE AMAZON REGIONAL PLATFORM FOR INDIGENOUS PEOPLES in fulfillment of the mandates of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement, recognizing the contribution of indigenous peoples’ knowledge to adaptation and mitigation processes and the urgency of including this contribution in climate policies to increase climate action

The event will have three days, between presentations, work in groups and dialogues to share experiences related to different sectors where highlights the contribution of indigenous knowledge, especially in food security, the conservation and use of the forest, the transmission of ancestral knowledge that has allowed, until today, that more than 7.4 million hectares of the Amazon subsist and continue to provide functions regulating the climate, the vital supply of water and food, to mention the most important contributions.

The reflections and recommendations in each of the topics addressed will be collected and directed in strategic lines that guide the priority actions for the Amazon region and the formation of the Amazon Regional Platform of Indigenous Peoples, as a permanent forum for dialogue in the region to shape mitigation and adaptation actions in the ACTO States.

For their part, the official delegations of the governments will also share actions and lines of work to find themes and actions of convergence, since the eight states are part of the same territory of the largest and continuous forest in the world.




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