On Tuesday (15/05), the Executive Director of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO), Vanessa Grazziotin, took part in Brasilia in the event “Dialogue on Agrifood Systems for Food Security, Nutrition and the Fight against Poverty”, organized by the Embassy of the Netherlands and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
The event aimed to foster engagement and the exchange of experiences, knowledge and good practices for transforming the agri-food systems of Brazil and the Netherlands, with the aim of reducing food and nutrition insecurity in both countries.
In her presentation, Vanessa Grazziotin highlighted the importance of regional cooperation to strengthen the capacity of ACTO Member Countries to face common challenges related to sovereignty and food and nutrition security, taking into account the particularities and potential of the Amazon Region. Strengthening cooperation between the countries is one of the resolutions contained in the Belém Declaration, a document that established a common agenda for the development of the Amazon.

Vanessa Grazziotin during her presentation at the FAO event in Brasilia – Brazil
The meeting took place in parallel with the agenda of theMeeting of Chief Agricultural Officers of the G20 countries, which this year is taking place in Brazil from May 15 to 17, under the coordination and organization of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa). The so-called G20 MACS annually brings together the presidencies of agricultural research organizations linked to the Ministries of Agriculture or similar, promoting discussions on research and development in agriculture and food security issues.