ACTO participates in the Greenmeeting

Sep 29, 2016Sem categoria

Brasilia, September 29, 2016.- On Thursday, the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) was present at the XV Green Meeting of the Americas, the Greenmeeting. With the central theme on climate change, the opening ceremony was attended by ACTO’s Executive Director, César De las Casas, who spoke on the “Challenges and Commitment of the Amazon in the context of strategic cooperation on global climate balance in Agenda 2030, of the United Nations “. The ceremony led by the Minister of the Environment, José Sarney was attended by the participation of national and international authorities.

ACTO‘s Executive Director highlighted the importance of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, as well as the role that the Amazon plays in the global climate balance. The Amazon is the key in international debates on Climate Change. At the time, De las Casas presented the Green Prize of the Americas to Professor Therése Hofmann Gatti.

Also, at the opening ceremony, the Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice, Herman Benjamim, the Ambassador of Canada, Riccardo Savone, the Ambassador of El Salvador, Diana Vanegas, and the State Secretary for the Environment of Amazonas, Antonio Ademir Stroski and the Deputy Secretary of Environment of Minas Gerais, Germano Vieira were present.

During these two days, the Greenmeeting aims to be a bank of ideas that can generate important proposals and information that contribute to the development of sustainable, environmental and economic companies, characterizing itself as a startup of acceleration of innovative initiatives, including the techniques related to climate change, water and solar energy.

Source: ACTO Monitoring Project | Photos: Gustavo Lima SCO / STJ

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