The ambassador Mendoza participated in the opening ceremony of the session “Great Rivers of the World” and made a presentation on the principle activities that the Organization has carried out GEF Amazon projects: Water Resources and Climate Change (OTCA/PNUMA) and Amazon Regional Action on Water Resources (OTCA/ANA/ABC) among other projects.
The meeting held on October 25, for the first time in Italy where representatives of the most important water basins in the world, from all over the world, will participate to build a dialogue on the future of water linked to climate change and share experience and knowledge about protection and sound management of the resource.
The meeting of great rivers also will indicate a common vision to prepare COP 23 which will be held in Bonn on November 2017 and the World Water Forum held in Brazil on March 2018. The two important events are expected to be recognized as a fundamental role when it comes to water on debate about climate change and government’s decisions for the future of our planet.
The conference is organized by the Minister of the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea in collaboration with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO), Global Alliances for Water and Climate (GAWC) with the patronage of the Presidency of the Republic of Italy, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Italy, as well as the European Commission and other international organizations.