With logistic support and chartered flight by part of Iepé Institute, the coordinator Carlos Macedo and the technical consultant Fabrício Amorim presented the recommendations for the implementation of the Project Contingency plans for health protection of highly vulnerable Indigenous Peoples and in Initial Contact, elaborated by the technical team within the alliance ACTO/PAHO/IBD.
The activities with the indigenous peoples of Tiriyó, Katxuyana and Txikiyana, in the Tumucumaque Indigenous Park, located on the border between Brazil and Surinam, in Pará and Amapá (BR), consisted of validating data and information of the Health Situational Study, elaborated by a team of six consultants and collaborators, including the specialists of the Iepé Institute.
During the training event for the indigenous youth, thre representatives of ACTO interacted with indigenous leaders, mainly regarding the flow of exchanges between the Tiriyó communities on both sides of the border between Brazil and Suriname. The stay at the Tiriyó Mission was supported by the Iepé Institute, the Franciscan Congregation, SESAI (Special Secretariat for Indigenous Health), and APITIKATXI (Association of Tiriyó, Katxuyana, and Txikiyana Indigenous Peoples.)
- Landing on Tiriyó
- Disembarkation with the help of SESAI
- Cecilia de Santarem (Iepê), Carlos Macedo (OTCA), Ron dinelli Sampaio (SESAI)