The Secretary-General of ACTO, Alexandra Moreira, together with a delegation of diplomats are visiting the Amazon Region of Brazil. On November 5, they visited the Santa Rosa model farm in Iranduba (AM) and the meeting of the waters, in Manaus.
Moreira is one of the members of the delegation of diplomatic representatives who are traveling around the Brazilian Amazon rainforest. This visit was organized by the Vice President of Brazil and President of the Legal Amazon Council, Hamilton Mourão, to show the delegates those areas that were affected by human action as well as the preserved ones.
The delegation included heads of diplomatic missions from South Africa, Spain, Peru, Colombia, Canada, Sweden, Germany, the European Union, the United Kingdom, France, Portugal, as well as the Ministers of the Environment, Ricardo Salles, and of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, Tereza Cristina, among other representatives of the Brazilian government.
In Iranduba, the group visited the Bela Vista Integrated Colonization Project (PIC), the National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform (Incra), and the Santa Rosa Model Farm. On that occasion, they learned about various crops and spaces dedicated to rural tourism and agroecological education, as well as the springs and native forests within the reserve that encompasses 80% of the property.
During the visit to Santa Rosa, Moreira and each of the diplomatic representatives planted a native species of tree. The delegation also visited the meeting of the waters of the Negro and Solimões rivers which together form the Amazon River.
The trip concluded in São Gabriel da Cachoeira on Friday 11/6. The delegation visited the Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health, the Special Secretariat for Indigenous Health of the Ministry of Health, and some military organizations.