Biodiversity and forests are meeting topics with the Ministry of the Environment of Peru

Jul 21, 2022ACTO, Biodiversity, Forests, Meeting

The ACTO delegation, led by its Secretary General, Alexandra Moreira, held a meeting with the Minister of the Environment of Peru, Modesto Montoya, the Vice Minister of Strategic Development of Natural Resources, Fey Yamina Silva Vidal de Millones, and representatives,  where the scope of the biodiversity and forest issues being implemented in the Amazon Region was presented.

The representative of the Ministry of the Environment expressed interest in working, besides the Biodiversity Project, on forest issues, especially monitoring deforestation, restoration of degraded lands and forest fires.

Also participating on behalf of the ACTO delegation were the Executive Director, Carlos Lazary, and the Administrative Director responsible for the Forestry Agenda, Carlos Salinas.



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