
Brazil, the largest country of Latin America, has extremely rich and diverse culture. The origin of this property is in the particular process of formation of Brazilian society, which, since its inception in the sixteenth century, received the generous contribution of peoples and ethnic groups as diverse as native Indians, the Portuguese discoverers, the Africans who were brought as slaves.




Official name: Federative Republic of Brazil

National day: September 7th (Independence Day)

Capital city: Brasilia

Form of government: Multi-party Federative Republic with National Congress consists of National Senate and Chamber of Deputies

Political division: The country is divided, both politically and administratively, into 27 federative units, which are 26 states and one Federal District

Head of state: Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva

Area: 8,547,403.5km²

Population: 201,032 million (IBGE: Jul/2013)

Language: Portuguese

Currency: Real


Amazon Project: Regional action in the area of water resources

Amazon Project: Regional action in the area of water resources

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