Amazon Project: Regional action in the area of water resources



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The project is being implemented by the National Water and  Sanitation Agency (ANA/ Brazil) and by the Brazilian Cooperation Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (ABC/MRE for its acronym in Portuguese), with the support of the Geological Survey of Brazil  (CPRM for its acronym in Portuguese), and jointly executed by ACTO and the National Water Agencies and other water resources entities in the Member Countries.

The project started in 2012 and continues to be implemented within the framework of South-South Cooperation, to strengthen integration and technical cooperation among ACTO Member Countries (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela) in relation to water resources management in the Amazon Basin, seeking a greater leveling in the installed capacities of the relevant entities involved.

The first phase of the project (July 2012 to June 2017) was focused on the exchange of information systems for the effective monitoring of water resources in the Amazon Basin, also focusing on the training of technicians from the water agencies and organizations of the Member Countries involved in the field. Finally, it was aimed at supporting the structuring of a monitoring network for the exchange of hydrological, hydrometeorological, sedimentometric and water quality information.

The project’s second phase (July 2017 to December 2022) seeks to strengthen the technical cooperation actions carried out during its first phase about water resources management, particularly, in relation to the implementation of the Amazonian Hydrological Network (AHN) and the formulation of strategies for the creation of the Regional Network for the Monitoring of Water Quality (RN-MWQ). Studies will also be carried out to deepen knowledge about the management of water resources in the Amazon Basin, particularly the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals 6 (access to water) and 13 (climate action), and on the quality situation of water in the Amazon Basin. The actions of capacity building and technical training of the Member Countries on issues related to the management of water resources are also an important action of the project.

Outcomes from the first phase:

One of the main outcomes from the project’s first phase was the progress obtained in the process of dialogues to build integration and availability of hydrometeorological and water quality data for the Amazon Region. For this purpose, in this phase, six (6) telemetric monitoring stations were acquired and installed in Bolivia, Colombia, and Peru with technical support from the National Water Agency (ANA) of Brazil. In this context, an evaluation of the operation of the new stations was carried out and the strategies for the implementation of the project were adjusted.

Likewise, to strengthen cooperation capacities among the ACTO Member Countries, training, trip missions, and technical meetings were promoted that dealt with water resources management, and the integration and the rapprochement among technical specialists of the Amazonian countries was facilitated.

Expected outcomes in the second phase.

The main expected results of this regional technical cooperation initiative can be summarized as follows:

  • Data and information for the integrated management of water resources duly analyzed, systematized, and made available.
  • Dissemination of knowledge about the Amazonian reality was promoted.
  • Improvement of the technical capacity of the institutions responsible for the management of the water resources of the countries; and

Project duly monitored, evaluated, and disclosed

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