Manaus hosts International Seminar on the Amazon and Tropical Forests

Sep 13, 2024ACTO

Manaus will host the G20 International Seminar on the Amazon and Tropical Forests on September 17 and 18, 2024, a globally significant event that will bring together experts, scientists, and representatives from international organizations to discuss crucial issues related to environmental preservation, scientific innovation, and international cooperation focused on tropical forests.

Organized by the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MCTI), in partnership with the Organization of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty (OTCA), UNESCO, the Superintendence of the Free Trade Zone of Manaus (Suframa), and the Brazilian Agency for Industrial Research and Innovation (EMBRAPII).

The discussions will take place at the National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA) and are part of the G20 initiatives aimed at sustainability, science, and innovation.

Opening with National and International Leaders

The seminar will be inaugurated in the presence of national and international authorities linked to science and innovation. Confirmed speakers include Henrique Pereira, director of INPA; Osvaldo Moraes from MCTI; and Ima Vieira from the Emílio Goeldi Museum and the Financing Agency for Studies and Projects (Finep). They will be joined by Ezra Clark from UNESCO and Vanessa Grazziotin from OTCA, reinforcing the importance of the event for discussions about the future of the Amazon.

Program and Themes

With six panels over the two days, the seminar will address topics such as climate change, decarbonization, social inclusion, and technological innovation. The first day will feature a panel on decarbonization and climate change, coordinated by Amy Duchelle from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Experts from renowned institutions, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and INPA, will discuss strategies to combat deforestation and solutions to mitigate climate change.

Another highlight will be the panel on traditional knowledge and social inclusion in science, led by Professor Marilene Correa from the Federal University of Amazonas (Ufam). The discussion will involve representatives from indigenous communities and academics to explore how science can benefit from integrating traditional knowledge.

Focus on Bioeconomy and Innovation

On the second day, discussions will focus on bioeconomy and open innovation in international cooperation. The bioeconomy panel, coordinated by Roberto Porro from the Brazilian Agricultural Research Company (Embrapa) Eastern Amazon, will discuss the economic potential of the Amazon, exploring sustainable ways to utilize the region’s natural resources. The session will feature important figures, including Henrique Pereira and Gilles Kleitz, who will present perspectives on the responsible use of Amazonian biodiversity.

Final Report and Next Steps

At the end of the seminar, the Research and Innovation Working Group (RIWG) will present a final report that summarizes the key conclusions from the panels and debates. This document will serve as a basis for guiding future G20 actions regarding the preservation of tropical forests, especially concerning the Amazon, which plays a crucial role in global climate balance.

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