Model for determining alligator harvest quotas of caiman and contributions to the knowledge of black caiman in Bolivia

Dec 20, 2021Bioamazon Project, Biodiversity, Technical paper series


The Bioamazônia Newsletter n. 12 brings the technical paper “Model for determining alligator harvest quotas of caiman (Caiman yacare) and contributions to the knowledge of black caiman (Melanosuchus niger) in Bolivia”. It is a contribution from Marco Aurelio Pinto Viveros, GIS Specialist, at Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Ecología (FUND-ECO).

Summary: Within the framework of the project “Study on the population status of the yacare (Caiman yacare) and the black caiman (Melanosuchus niger) in their natural distribution areas in Bolivia”, it is proposed to update and improve the model for estimating alligator harvest quotas in Bolivia and the contribution of scientific technical inputs for the conservation and management of the black caiman with a view to a future sustainable use.

Key words: Ecological niche, potential distribution, caiman program, conservation

Read the full article in this link

Published in the Bioamazon Newsletter, issue n. 12, Nov-Dec 2021.

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