Notice of tender: Design, development and processes for the electronic issuance of CITES permits

Jul 8, 2020Sem categoria

Official Financial Cooperation with the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization ACTO

“Regional project to manage, monitor and control wild fauna and flora species threatened by trade” (Bioamazon Project)


Consulting Services for:  Design, development and commissioning of national mechanisms/systems/processes for the electronic issuance of CITES permits of Component 2”

Deadline: July 22nd, 2020

Countries: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela (Member Countries of ACTO).

Ref-N°:   2006-66-222


Ref.: “International public tender for the Consultancy Services under component 2: Regional Project to manage, monitor and control wild fauna and flora species threatened by trade – Bioamazon Project”

Executing Entity: The Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization.

Funding Agency:  Official German Financial Cooperation, through KWF

Project objective: To increase the efficiency and effectiveness of management, monitoring and control of wild fauna and flora species threatened by trade in ACTO Member countries to contribute to Amazonian Biodiversity conservation, particularly of CITES-listed species.

Component 2: Refers to the regional strengthening and harmonization of the national mechanisms/systems/processes for issuing electronic permits, so that they are operable, compatible at the regional level, strengthened and harmonized with the CITES guidelines and others that the Members Countries consider important. In this context, as part of component 2 execution, the ACTO Permanent Secretariat will contract with funds from financial cooperation, consulting services to carry out this study and design.

Required Consulting Services: The main objective of the study is the design, development and commissioning of national mechanisms / systems / processes for the electronic issuance of CITES permits of Bioamazon Project – Component 2, which includes:

  • Updating the baseline of the situation of each ACTO Member Country in regard to the processes operation for the issuance of electronic CITES permits linked to VUCE.
  • Proposal of a regional framework for harmonization of electronic CITES permits and procedures for the transfer of knowledge and experience from developed countries to the intermediate and basic level ones.
  • Preparation and implementation of a specific technical assistance process for developed countries in the issuance of electronic CITES permits linked to VUCE (Ex: Brazil, Peru), which includes the preparation of ToR and technical specifications in specialized consultancies for those countries.
  • Elaboration of the conceptual and detailed technical design (end) for ACTO Member Countries which require the implementation of national computer systems for the issuance of electronic CITES permits, particularly in countries with intermediate level of progress (Ex: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela) and basic level (Ex: Guyana and Suriname).
  • Preparation of Terms of Reference for the hiring of national companies / consultants for the development/update/technical commissioning of national IT systems for issuing CITES electronic permits, linked to VUCE where it be possible, and their implementation in management models (Ex: Bolivia, Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela).
  • Monitoring and technical supervision to work of the national companies/consultants, review and pre-approval of their products, including participation in the Evaluation Committee and selection of national companies /consultants.
  • Evaluation of learned lessons and future challenges (Regional Workshop 2: CITES/VUCE).

The duration of the consultancy is (10) months approximately.

The members of the team of experts of the consulting firm must have a proven written and spoken command of the Spanish and English languages (desirable Portuguese).

This single-stage process will be executed based in the last version on the “Guidelines for the Procurement of Consulting Services, Works, Plant, Goods, and Non-Consulting Services in Financial Cooperation with Partner Countries” which can be found on the following website:  (

Services are expected to be awarded to an independent and qualified international consulting firm, who must guarantee in a binding way that the proposed team  of consultants includes experts or companies with local/regional and International, experience, preferably in Latin America and in the ACTO Member Countries, with proven experience in the analysis, conceptualization, development of processes and systems of electronic permits and single windows of foreign trade (VUCE), compatible at the regional level using the CITES methodology and other that could be considered relevant.  The minimum turnover of the consulting firm applicant (together with its partners) must be 900,000 USD (annual turnover, calculated from the average value of the last three years).

The bidding conditions with the detailed information for the required services can be asked to the following email addresses:

Att.: Ms. Elizabeth Suquillo

Tender Agent

With copy to:

Att.: Mr. Mauro Luis Ruffino

Coordinator Bioamazon Project

Source: Bioamazon Project / ACTO

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