Brazil, Guyana and Suriname started the process of dialogues for cooperation on health care for indigenous peoples
Lethem (Guyana), November 10, 2017.-Under the auspices of the Government of Guyana, the second Trinational technical meeting of ACTO was held between Brazil, Guyana and Suriname on November 9-10, 2017, to exchange information on the health situation of indigenous...
UNFCCC COP23 – Suriname
Observation Room _ Monitoring Project / ACTO Presentation Rene Somopawiro, of the Directorate of Research and Development, of the Foundation for Forest Management and Housing Supervision (SBB), Suriname. (UNFCCC COP23).
UNFCCC COP23 (Suriname)
1.Winston Lackin, Ambassador of Environment for Suriname 2. Sara Svensson, REDD+ technical officer from Suriname, 3. Rene Somopawiro - Director of Research and Development at SBB, 4. Ellysar Baroudy - head of the Forest and Landscape team of the Forest Carbon...