The Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) is releasing the publication “Rapid Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in the Amazon Basin/Region”, an important contribution by Amazon specialists and experts on the situation and trends of biological diversity and ecosystem services in the Amazon Basin/Region from the biological, social, cultural, economic and political dimensions.
According to the information contained in the Assessment, it can be seen that the Amazon Region is facing a significant loss of natural resources, biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people, as a consequence of an unsustainable development model that prevails in these territories, in addition to the extractive activities that operate, This is aggravated by extractive activities that often operate without the necessary controls and supervision, a growing illegal activity involving illegal mining, species trafficking, drug trafficking, negative impacts of climate change, deforestation, forest fires, unplanned expansion of infrastructure, invasive species, pollution, among other factors.
It is also for this reason that this Assessment reiterates and calls for the urgency of a paradigm shift in sustainable development, going beyond the extractivist model and adopting indigenous perspectives, nature-culture interdependence and non-monetary economies. The articulation of global policies, economic instruments and regional strategies is crucial, supporting biocultural approaches that emphasize inclusion, cross-border cooperation and the recognition of nature’s rights in relation to human rights.
ACTO considers this Rapid Assessment a milestone for work in the Amazon, as it is the first sub-regional assessment in the world to be prepared under the conceptual framework and methodology of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).
Following the IPBES approach, the Assessment used the best capabilities of all scientific disciplines and other traditional knowledge systems to provide relevant and timely information to support the development of public policies in the ACTO member countries that share the Amazon region, i.e. Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela.
At the request of the member countries, ACTO has worked to promote and, above all, apply the latest scientific knowledge and information available for the development of actions to strengthen the public management of the Amazon territories of the different countries. This information is also relevant for the consideration and implementation of the private sector and other important actors working in the Amazon who are committed to contributing to and improving the situation in the region.
Publication structure and methodology
For the preparation of this Assessment, a group of more than 118 authors from the Amazon countries was formed, who worked voluntarily, including during the COVID 19 pandemic, for around 540 days and approximately 87,766 hours. They were constantly accompanied by a Scientific Committee made up of personalities with extensive experience in environmental and biodiversity issues and who were officially appointed by the ACTO member countries. They were supported by a Technical Support Secretariat, made up of members of the ACTO Permanent Secretariat and Colombia’s renowned Alexander von Humboldt Institute.
The central objective of the Rapid Assessment is to generate technical and scientific knowledge management products on the status and trends of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Amazon Basin/Region, from the biological, social, cultural, economic and political dimensions, which are relevant and appropriate for strengthening the science-policy-society interface, and as an input to inform decision-making in the Region. Thus, the Rapid Assessment represents a valuable source of knowledge and a guide for making informed decisions about biodiversity and ecosystem services, in connection with the well-being and livelihoods of the people of this vital region.
This Assessment consists of the Technical Document, which has six chapters, and the Summary for Decision Makers, both documents are an important tool to strengthen and support the growing importance of the Region in the global arena; and to support the position of the region and the ACTO MPs in international negotiation scenarios related to climate action and biodiversity management. Furthermore, as a working tool and basis for the future Intergovernmental Amazonian Technical-Scientific Panel of the ACTO, which will be created within the ACTO in accordance with the decision adopted by the Presidents of the Amazonian Countries within the framework of the IV Summit of Presidents of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty and the XIV Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the ACTO MPs.
The methodology of our Evaluation is based on criteria for the selection of authors, maintaining multidisciplinarity, gender equity, geographical balance, independence and voluntary work. It is also characterized by its high rigour, based on the best available technical and scientific information; by being a transparent development process, through constant internal and external reviews, to ensure that all comments are fully considered; and by its articulation with other similar processes, to scope a holistic approach with biophysical, economic, social and cultural perspectives and taking due account of the legal framework of ACTO member countries relevant to biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Access the publication here