Principles and guidelines for the protection amazonian indigenous peoples facing the coronavirus pandemic

Mar 26, 2020Sem categoria

Indigenous Peoples are populations of high vulnerability and risk in different aspects, the immunological is no exception. We highlight the specific situation of the Isolated Indigenous Peoples and Initial Contact (PIACI) who could also face and exponentially increase the risk that threatens their existence.

In this framework and in the face of the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID – 19), the PS/ACTO wishes to make available to the Member Countries the work carried out in the document called “Strategic Framework for the protection of Indigenous Peoples in voluntary isolation and initial contact”, which contains the“ Amazon Regional Guidelines for the Protection of Indigenous Peoples in Isolation and Initial Contact ”and the“ Regional Strategy for Health Care Guide for Health Surveillance in Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon Region ”.

In the aforementioned Strategic Framework, which was worked in broad and direct coordination with the Member Countries, principles and guidelines for the protection of Indigenous Peoples in voluntary isolation and initial contact could be established. The objective of this work was that these guidelines contribute and can be taken into account as actions to safeguard the health of Indigenous Peoples.

Principles and guidelines for the protection of PIACI (Click to download

Source: ACTO

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